Thursday, January 17, 2013

Celebrity response to Yesterday's Question: Who deals with a break up worse males or females? Why?

Yesterday on Twitter we asked the question, "Who deals with a break up worse males or females? Why?" We sent the question out to different celebz to see their response. We would like to thank, Rohan Marley @Romarley, Jeannie Jones @jkittyofthecity, Lil Mo @THELILMOSHOW, Kalenna @KDIDDYBOP, for their response and support.

Rohan's Response:
Thank you Rohan. Conscious Empress responded to Rohan's response. Empress feel like it has more to do with the amount of love than gender.
 Robert Junior also responded to Rohan. Robert feel like if one breaks up because of baby drama then that's when you find yourself in 

I agree with Lil Mo 100%. When men all they fall head first with no direction. I have seen it so many times and its not a pretty site. Thank you Lil Mo for your response.
Ralph responds to the question. lol...too funny! 

Kalenna responds to the question. I understand why Kalenna would say its females but I feel we handle a relationship break up ten times better than men. We get depressed for a while but men act like their lives are completely over and act reckless.
Ending Response: Males always deals with a break-up worse.

We will being doing these kinds of questions more often. Can't wait to see your responses.

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