Wednesday, July 18, 2012

(Its Because I Love You) Chapter 3: Being Honest With Myself

When I saw Victoria I just looked at her with a blank stare the put my head down. She walked over to me placing her hand on my back, “What’s wrong hun?”
I stood there with my head down for a few seconds then said, “Nothing”.
“I don’t think running to the bathroom when you see your ex is nothing”
I had nothing to say.
“This is about him right?”
“I love my Milkshake”
“Nothing, I need to talk to him”, I said in guilt.
“He is in the other room”
“Do you think I’m pathetic?”
“What? No. If you want him back you need to let him know that”

I stood up straight fixing myself up in the mirror, “your right”. Victoria and I made our way out the bathroom and back to our table with the girls. I noticed two big bottles of Ciroc on the table, one of which Briana was pouring in a cup of ice.
“Damn girl you trying to someone drunk?”, Victoria said taking the bottle from her and pouring some in a cup laughing.
“Girl I didn’t buy these bottles, Trey sent it over here with a note saying ‘To My Milkshake’. He thinks I’m his milkshake”, Briana said smiling.
“What?”, Victoria said confused.
Robin said laughing, “Exactly V” Then looked at Briana, “who the hell told you he sent it over here for you?”
“I’m damn sure he didn’t send it for you besides me and Trey had a connection the last time we spoke”, Briana said dreamy.
Victoria began laughing hysterically while looking at me. Whenever Victoria laughs like this it means she find out something before everyone else could figure it out, and it really did make whoever was speaking feel foolish.
Debby asked, “Why are you laughing like that?”
“Because Briana always thinks men want her”
“If it wasn’t for me then who could it be for” Briana asked.
I enjoyed listening to Briana go on and on about how Trey called her his milkshake. Sometimes I think this girl just talks to get attention.
“I don’t think it matters who it’s for just enjoy the drinks” I said trying to end the argument.
“Oh course you would say that” Robin said smiling
“Excuse me? What does that mean?”
“Don’t worry about it” Robin said rolling her eyes.
If only she knew that it was me the bottles were sent for she would die. As much as I wanted to see her reaction when she found out it was me. I couldn’t give her the satisfaction.
“Do you always have to be a bitch” I was so irritated.
“Yeah, it’s in my DNA” Robin said
“Shut up” Victoria responded

Robin had nothing to say to Victoria. It was amazing to see how Robin would keep her mouth shut if Victoria told her too, but it wasn’t only her all the girls were afraid of her. I never understood why because she’s the sweatiest person. I felt a vibration from my phone when I looked to see who was calling I noticed it was only a text. Of course I knew who it was but I was afraid to read the message, why? I have no idea. The message read “You look beautiful tonight”. I couldn’t hold back my smile. I put my head up and looked in Trey’s direction to see him smiling back at me. Trey typed something in his phone then looked back at me. Just then a message came to my phone “I miss your smile”. I didn’t respond then I got another message saying “you’re not going to respond?”. So I decided to respond saying “I need to talk to you”. I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea but at this point I don’t care what’s wrong or right. Seconds later I got a response saying “Same here”. At that moment I wanted to leave the club. I didn’t care to be there. I just needed to be with Trey.
What I’m going to say next is completely honest. I have no idea what happen from the point when I got the text message to when Trey came knocking at my door. I opened the door not knowing what to expect. Trey and I stood there looking at one another for a few seconds before letting himself in the house closing the door behind him.

To Be Continued…

1 comment:

  1. Oooo...Can't wait to find out what happens next after Trey walks through the door lol. Great cliff hangers to continue reading. I wonder where the nickname "Milkshake" came from. Does it possibly derive from a naughty rendezvous between Trey and Christina?!? I'll keep reading and see ;)
