Monday, July 16, 2012

(Its Because I Love You) Chapter 2: My Life Is Now Upsidedown

(Its Because I Love You) Chapter 2: My Life Is Now Upsidedown
 As I sat on my couch with a glass of wine in hand, my phone rings taking from the memories of that night. When I looked at the phone, it read Gabby. I had no interest to hear what she had to say but as I sat there watching the phone ring and finally picked it up.

“Hello”, I said annoyed

“You coming tonight?”, she said happy with the music playing loudly in the background.

“No”, I said upset

“Why not…You know what, hold that thought, and open the door I’m outside”

“What? Why?”
“Just open the door”  
When I opened the door Gabby was standing there with Briana, Victoria, Robin, and Debby. I didn’t know why they were all determined to get me to go out the house.




 “Get dressed”, Briana said forcefully.
 “I don’t want to go” I replied.

“Why not?” Victoria whined.

“I just don’t feel like it”, I said

“Since when do you not feel like partying?” Laughed Robin


“You have to” Debby said.

“Why do you insist I go?” I said wondering.

“Business baby girl” Debby answered.

“You do know there isn’t going to be anyone there worth your time, Right?” I replied.

“You don’t know that, maybe someone Trey is with…” Debby said.

“Oh no you know the rules you don’t settle for anybody. If it’s not the best then leave it where it stands” Robin preached.

“She’s right, don’t let physical attraction cloud your mind to the purpose of our job” Gabby added.

Victoria interjected, “I don’t know what you’re talking about but, I want to go out to have fun for a change, no work involved and to be honest Christina you need to have fun too. You work more than all of us. I don’t even know if you have a personal life anymore”.

Victoria knew the most about me out of the four of them. She knew about me and Trey and kept it to herself, so I would have to agree with her. Ever since Trey and I broke it off I’ve been working longer and harder to avoid thinking about him but nothing or no one seemed to fill the void. I was miserable and Victoria knew it.

“Okay fine I’ll go, now leave me along”. I said going into my room.

When we get to the club there was a line wrapped around the club. As we walked to the front we were let straight in. Our job did have some perks. One of course was we never have to wait in a line to get into any club, restaurant, etc and we took full advantage of it too. Gabby had gotten us a table, as soon we walked in we made our way to the table. The club was already packed and they were still letting people in. I was glad Gabby had gotten us a table ahead of time. Trey of course wasn’t there yet. My phone began ringing and it had a smiley face.

Robin picked up my phone and said, “Smiley face, really? Is this work?”

I grabbed the phone out of her hand, “Mind your business”

“Someone’s getting busy with work”, Robin joked

Victoria defended Christine, “you’re the last one who should be talking about getting bus with work. That’s your hobby”.

All the girls started laughing having Robin looking upset.

“It was just a joke, calm down”, Victoria laughed.

I then began getting text messages, “Hey baby wassup” “I’m in town tonight I want to see you” “I miss you”. As I read the messages I was confused. He broke it off with me and now he’s telling me he misses me. I slipped my phone to Victoria under the table so she could read the messages. After reading the messages she looked up slipped me the phone and said, “Speaking of the devil”. I turned around to see Trey walking in with his entourage. The moment everyone saw Trey camera flashes wet of like crazy and female’s dresses got shorter.

When Trey and I were in a relationship we didn’t make public appearances together. Whenever we went out it was more of a calm or private place. I didn’t care for the world to know about us. The people we truly love and care about knew we were together and that was enough for me. 

I watched Trey walk from the door all the way to his booth wishing he was still mine. In those few moments I thought about all the wonderful times Trey and I have had in the past. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. The girls looked around in confusion.

“What wrong with her?” said Briana. The girls shrugged their shoulders.

“She’s so dramatic”, Robin said taking a sip of her drink.

“I’m going to go see what’s wrong”, said Debby.

“No, I’ll go”, said Victoria as she quickly made her way into the bathroom. Victoria came into the bathroom to see me leaning against the wall.

To Be Continued…

1 comment:

  1. I can see this being a common story in the minds of many young girls and women. Who hasn't imagined being with their favorite Celeb, Music Artist, or Public figure? Very relatable. Love the photos of the divas in this novella. It gives a visual guide post of the characters.
