Friday, July 8, 2011

Question of the Day: Would you forgive your signifcant other if they cheated?

Before you jump and say you would never forgive your significant other, think about the situation. You have to ask these questions. What is your significant others personality? If you know you are in a relationship with a person that is very flirtatious and have cheated before then you may think twice. They may try to say you did this and you did that, but remember its natural for them to act this way because that's their personality. On the other hand you maybe be wrong also because you set them off and they are already eager and you made it worse. But if you are in a relationship with a  person who deals with one person and one person only, then you have to think, Why would they cheat? what did I do to maybe set them off? or what didn't I do? Sometimes when a good person is driven to far in a relationship they seek sanctification in another person.
I know it sounds as if I am contradicting myself...I'm not. If you are with a natural cheated they may cheat for the hell of it, which means think twice before forgiving them. But on the other hand you could be with a cheater that is trying to change but you set them off to cheat. Then you have the good people who don't cheat at all no matter what, but you set them off and they find someone else that treats then correct.
It all depends on the person and how much they will take when in a relationship. This also comes to what your response to the situation maybe. You could be the wrong on or they maybe the wrong one. When I say you maybe the wrong one I'm saying you could have been treating this person horrible and they need someone who will treat them right. Its not right but you drove them to go to someone else. If you had communication and respect in your relationship maybe it wouldn't happen. I'm just trying to be honest.




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