Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Question of the Day: Do you let your friends make the decisions in your relationship?

   This is one thing at causes a lot of relationships to go down under. You cannot let your friends dictate what is right and wrong in your relationship that is your decision to make and you must make it on your own. I know that there maybe times when you want to hear another opinion, and that is fine, but don't let other peoples opinion change your way of thinking. Sometime, no most times when your friend is quick to say, "leave him or her they ain't not good", observe them. Meaning see what they have in their life, do they have a man or women? Are they stable in life? Most times when these answers are no they just want to see you in the same position as them and they don't want to see you happy. they are jealous. I'm not saying that there aren't good friends out there but when you have a good friend they ask questions before they may or may not tell you to leave. They ask what happen? why do you think they did what they did? What did you do to contribute to his/hers behavior? They try to get to the bottom of the situation and then help you to find a solution.
   There are situations where you are being abused and they tell you to leave. Something like that you listen to. If a man/women is abusing you, you need to walk out there is not talk it out going to counseling...No Get out of thr situation as soon as possible. that is one exception I say you listen to your friend if they tell you to leave. Abuse isnt a playing matter.
   Other then that make your own decisions about love. But do think about this, is the relationship worth working on? Do you see you and this person moving forward? Do they respect you as a person?
In the end it all comes down to what you feel is right.



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