Wednesday, April 11, 2012

(Women) QUESTION OF THE DAY: What would you say to your man if he told you he's not ready to settle down so you should wait for him? (Explain)

Would I wait for a man who isn't ready to settle down?...Hmmm! I am going to have to say...NO! Why would I want to wait for a man to mess around with Betty, Becky, and Sara then when he's tired and finished on the streets. I'm sitting here waiting for him...Hell No!
This is something I hear people say all the time. I totally understand someone not being ready to settle down and I don't believe one should rush into a relationship just to cater to the other persons feeling, but don't ask them to wait for you. If your not ready for a relationship let the person go so they can move on, because lets be honest if a man tells a woman to wait for him, but in the mean time they can do what they want, 9 times out of 10 the women is going to be stuck on stupid, miserable waiting for this man to finally want her. While he is happy on the street doing his thing because he knows "Wifey" is home waiting for him and "Wifey" is miserable because her man is with other women.
I personally feel waiting for someone to settle down is waste of time. Life is too short to be saying you'll wait x amount of time for someone to want you. While there could be a man who would treat you like a queen now and forever but you ignore him because your waiting on someone else to want you.

- Domonique Hume

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