Tuesday, March 6, 2012


  LOVE in my opinion is the most POWERFUL feeling that one can have. LOVE is supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL feeling, something that everyone in life should experience. When you are in LOVE it shows, it’s obvious that you can’t stand to be without your lover.  When you look at someone who is truly in LOVE, they have a ‘nothing bothers me’ attitude.
  Don’t get me wrong LOVE does have its turning points, where sometimes you may get in an argument with your lover. There is never a perfect relationship but it can be close, but there should never be a constant arguing in your relationship. If your partner puts you though crap all the time, they don’t LOVE you. When your lover CHEATS on you they are being disrespectful. Just because they tell you about their act doesn’t mean anything. They will confess then do the same thing over and over again, and just because they know all you want is the truth they will tell you the truth.
Something a lot of females need to realize that you being the main joint means nothing. Yes, they will come back to you because they know you will always be there. They are comfortable, that isn’t LOVE. Think about it if a person says they love you why must they cheat? What do they get out of it?
Another problem I see a lot is domestic violence. If you are unable to comfortable with your partner it is no longer LOVE, they are now controlling you. When you are afraid of doing things to tick them off, you become scared to leave them because of what their reaction maybe.
  Whenever people are in LOVE they let COMMON SENSE and LOGICS go out the window. I don’ want anyone to say they don’t have COMMON SENSE when you are in LOVE because that’s not true. You just choose not to listen to what your mind is telling you to do. You want to make something that isn’t working to magically change, but it can’t change with only one person.
  People that let a significant walk all over them are people that LOVE their partner more than they LOVE themselves, and in no way should that ever happen. You have to feel comfortable with yourself before trying to LOVE another person. When you RESPECT and CARE for yourself you will never let certain things slide in relationships.

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