Friday, June 24, 2011

Question of the Day: What would you do if you and your ex are STILL in love but you can't forget your bad history together?

When you have bad history, depending on the situation, its better that you just forget about the relationship. Bad history can sometimes be an occurring thing. You may thing you both made an agreement that it will be different this time but i can guarantee it will happen again. Sometimes the situation is that one person really wants it to change but the other person feeds on the drama between you too. I know its hard sometimes when you really love someone and you want to make it work, but always think of yourself before thinking of them. Meaning think if it doesn't workout this time how will effect me? What will be my reaction if he/she walks out on me? These are thing you must take into consideration when dealing with ex's, because most times they know you better then you know yourself. They know what you will take and what you won't, what will make you happy and want won't. Never be a victim in an ex relationship situation know what your doing.



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