Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is an open relationship reasonable?

First i want to say to me open relationships are the worse thing that people can agree to. I had a conversation with a few females the other day that told me that open relationships are okay under certain conditions. So i said i have to write a blog on this and see what others think about this situation. I don't care what the condition's are i don't share my man with anyone point blank period.
Before i start i want to make it clear that i am not telling anyone how to think but i do want to hear others opinion to see if I'm just different.
One of the "conditions" where whenever the girlfriend comes around the other girl must dismiss herself and know her place. Two minutes ago her place was with your man now its..what? in the corner until you leave. Yeah whatever. The other "condition" was if as long as she doesn't come into your house. You already disrespected yourself enough to let another women or person even have the opportunity to be with your man so why does it matter where it happens? Just saying.
Again i really don't understand this whole concept. I'm not looking down on anyone I'm just speaking my opinion and I want to hear your too.
Tell your views maybe i will understand it more...I don't know though


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